SGM雪州分会副方面长Steven Chee Hoon Teck
Hello, fellow Comrades, how are you this morning?
I am absolutely delighted that I can be with you here this morning. I know how busy you are. You could choose to do many other things this morning but instead, you have decided to be here with us for the sake of strengthening your faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism. How wonderful it is. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great efforts for being here and your willingness to share your precious time with each other. It is indeed my good fortune to be with so many of you, ‘Young Mr.’, making an ‘Old Mr.’ like me feeling so much younger this morning.
I sincerely hope that, through your participation in this meeting and your continuous practice, you will be able to take your whole life to a greater height.
Have any of you here ever thought that after taking up faith in Nichiren Buddhism, your life will be smooth sailing and you would never have to face any more problems? The Daishonin teaches that for as long as we are alive, we would face problem in life. There is no amount of chanting in the world that will prevent us from having problems. Then why chant? You may ask. The answer is, we chant to learn how to win over problems, we chant to learn how to never be defeated by any problem that we will encounter in life.
President Ikeda has always says, “In Buddhism, you either win or lose.” There is no middle way. You have a choice in life. What is your? Do you want to be a winner or a loser?
Let us all follow the spirit of our mentor, Ikeda Sensei, challenging obstacles head on and come out as winner at all times. The time has come for us, as the disciple, to be one with our mentor and fight for justice and be victorious in life.
What is the difference between a winner and a loser in life? All winners in life have his problems too. The only difference between a winner and a loser are that, a winner refuses to be defeated by any problems; he keeps his eyes on the goals and he refuses to allow any obstacle to prevent him from achieving his goals. On the other hand, the so called loser or the unsuccessful in life, is one who uses his circumstances as a justification as to why he is unable to do many things in life. Loser always give excuses that he is not good enough to do this or to do that.
Every thing in life has two sides of it, the positive side and the negative side. In Buddhism, we refer them as the enlightenment and fundamental darkness in life respectively. Negativity always holds us back. It is our greatest obstacle. Let us challenge and defeat our negativity or fundamental darkness by bringing out the enlightened side of our life. The question is how can we develop our positive nature?
人生的事情总是有两面:积极,或者消极。从佛法的观点,那就是生命中的“善”(元品法性 、积极)和“恶”(元品无明、消极)。消极的想法总是让我们裹足不前,这是人的最大障碍。让我们一起来跨越内心的消极想法和生命中的“恶”,显现人生的积极和“善”。问题是:如何才能培养出这种积极的精神?
The Daishonin teaches that everyone has the unlimited potential within us. One thing that we must be very clear and understand that having the potential and being able to manifest it are two different things.
Let me give you an analogy on how you can develop your potential in life. All of you have the muscular system within your body. Agree? I am sure you will also agree with me that you have the potential to develop your muscular system further than what you are right now. Yes or not? Now everyone please stand up and do an exercise for a minute. Any exercise that you think you can develop your muscles.
Have anyone been able to develop your muscles? No? This is because you do not have any external stimulant to call out your muscular potential from within you, isn’t it? Just like the ‘Body Builders’, they develop their muscles with the help of weights. The greater the weight they can resist, the greater their muscles will be developed.
有任何一位的肌肉变强了吗?没有?那是因为我们没有外在的刺激来激发出肌肉的潜能,对吗?就好像“Body Builders”(健美系统)是通过体重来发展肌肉系统,任何身体可以抵受的重量都可以发展为强韧的肌肉。
Similarly, in life, you need the ‘weight of life’ to develop your potential. What is this ‘weight of life’ that you need in order to strengthen your life? This so called ‘weight of life’ are the ‘Problems’ that you face in your daily life. The greater the problems that you encounter, the stronger you will become when you defeat these obstacles in life one after another.
人生也一样,我们需要“生活的重量”来协助我们发挥出潜能。这些能够强化人生的“生活的重量” 是什么呢?那就是我们每一天所面对的“难题”。难题越大,跨越过后所获得的力量也更大。胜利的人生就在一次又一次跨越难题而建立起来。
These obstacles can come in many forms. They can appear as your health problems, your financial problems, your family problems, your career problems and so on. All these problems become the stimulants or the catalyst to call forth your innate Buddha wisdom in daily life to enable you to make changes in your life.
You must understand that you can never eliminate negativity from your life. The only thing you can do is to develop your positivity to defeat the evil within you. This is the reason why you need to chant everyday to overcome your negativity as negativity never takes vacation. The act of constantly challenging the negativity has to ‘begin from you’.
Buddhism teaches that environment and we are one. The only way to change your environment is to change your circumstances first. Do not wait for your fundamental darkness to disappear by itself.
Please be convince that you may be facing difficulties right now, you are able to defeat them as long as you have the strong determination to challenge your difficulties through faith, practice and study.
‘Beginning from you’, take action to change your circumstances and the environment around you. Thank you.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
2008年8 月30日:雪州国庆日倒数活动
巴生市议会趁着国庆日到来,特别于巴生港口充满风味的 Esplanade Tanjung Harapan举办“缤纷大马文化汇演”。这项年度文化汇演的目的为欢庆国庆日以及通过各族文化来促进国民团结。SGM雪州分会受邀呈献代表团结的三大种族亲善舞蹈和华族传统舞蹈表演。另外,SGM学生部代表也即席为来宾以华语朗诵一段爱国诗歌,取自池田SGI会长于1988年第一次访问马来西亚所创作的长诗《前程无限的年青国家》,赢得一致的热烈掌声。当晚还有各民族的文化演出、来宾学习如何穿着友族的传统服装、烟花表演等,让约百名市民尽兴而归。巴生市议会公关部主任 Encik Dawari bin Daub受访时感谢SGM对此活动的支持,他表示青年扮演重要的角色,而且应该展现爱国精神。
一对来自台湾SGI的夫妇莅临 SGM雪州文化会馆池田和平讲堂 ,与大家分享他们如何通过真心的唱题和折伏来跨越严峻的经济问题,从一无所有到建立稳固的生意。同样来自台湾SGI的女子部员杨静怡则分享她以信心看清人生的方向,蜕变为成熟、乐观与积极为他人幸福而行动的女性。另外,大家也聆听到来自雪州的妇人部员Julia Yong分享她如何以信心跨越事业和家庭危机的体验。他们的信心体验鼓励了在场的1200名听众。
来自吉隆坡、森美兰和雪州的SGM中部少年部担当者齐集在SGM雪州文化会馆,互相交流学习。担当者中来自四者的代表们,为了培育未来部而进行一系列的研讨会、小组恳谈、团康活动等。理事长在贺词中再次确认池田先生在1995年给予未来部担当者命名为“21世纪使命会”所作的4项指导。他也强调:对于年幼的生命以一句话的鼓励就会有很大的改变。一句句感动的话,会永远留在心灵里。所以我们要以“确信的声音”、“正义的声音” 和 “勇气的声音”来 加强人的心。通过彼此交流分享,大家加深了对佛法的确信,互相鼓励以回到各自的州属贡献,让少年部员安定地在各地成长。
2008年8月16日- 17日:第34届巴生歌乐节
SGM文化部受邀参与在8月16日(六)和17日(日)晚上于巴生Centro大厦宴会厅举行的 - 第34届巴生歌乐节。这是雪州皇城巴生的常年音乐文艺活动,由巴生各乡团青年团轮流主办。今年巴生滨海福州十邑同乡会青年团主办和21乡团联办的巴生歌乐节主题为“歌绕皇城、乐动人心”,呈献了华乐、管乐、击鼓及口琴四重奏等,由马来西亚福州社团联合会总会长拿督刘贤威主持主持鸣锣及开幕;雪州行政议员刘天球、雪州议长邓章欽等皆受邀担任闭幕嘉宾。SGM雪州分会的复兴合唱团联合当地的合唱团组成大合唱,为观众带来3首歌曲。阵容浩大的SGM飞扬乐队则为观众演奏了多首乐曲,与热爱文艺演出的约2,000位巴生民众共赴音乐响宴。
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